Man Utd agree deal to sign talented young striker, medical complete

 Manchester United have agreed on a deal to sign the highly talented Cardiff City youngster Gabriele Biancheri. 

According to a report from the Athletic, the 16-year-old has completed his medical with Manchester United and will sign a scholar deal with the Premier League club. Biancheri will sign a professional contract with Manchester United in September when he turns 17.

The talented young forward was reportedly on the radar of Premier League rivals Chelsea as well but Manchester United have beaten them to his signature.

Biancheri has been in fine form this season and the 16-year-old has 17 goals and 5 assists to his name the season. The young striker has a big future ahead of him and he will be looking to continue his development at Old Trafford now.

It remains to be seen whether he can force his way into Erik ten Hag’s first team plans in the coming seasons.

Manchester United have a proven track record of developing talented young players into established first-team players and Biancheri will be looking to achieve his potential at the Premier League club.

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The 16-year-old is certainly a long-term investment and the transfer could prove to be a wise decision in the long run. If he manages to develop properly, he could save millions for Manchester United in the transfer market.

Meanwhile, Manchester United will have to add to their attack at the end of the season. The Red Devils are currently reliant on Marcus Rashford and they must look to bring in another reliable goal scorer at the end of the season.


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